Reading my twitter time line I now and then observe something that creates pictures in my mind. Then I save the tweet, create art based on it and quote tweet it with the hashtag #AccidentallyOrderedArt.

Accidentally Ordered Art

Hummel auch nur gelbschwarz gestreiftes Pegasus-Einhorn, February 2021, tweet

Zufriedene dicke Igelchen, October 2020, tweet

"Igel auch nur grunzender Kaktus auf vier Beinen" - @darkspookers, July 2020, tweet

Brautstrauß und Bräutigämse, June 2020, tweet

Große Kulleraugen Machen, May 2020, tweet

Assistenz-T-Rex, defending personal space, October 2019, tweet

Flying Flatfish/Fliegende Flunder, with and without mermaid, November 2019, tweet

Schlammassel, Janurary 2020, tweet

"Diese Wohnung ist thunfischgesichert", June 2019, tweet

Bettbegrenzung/Bourdes of beds, October 2019, tweet

Album Cover: Hailey und die Blahaje/Hailey and the Blahajs, September 2019, tweet

Prinzessin Monokel/Prinzessin Mononokel princess monocle/princess mononocle, Januar 2020, tweet

Reisefisch/traveling fish, May 2019

ghost cat stealing dusty cables, October 2019, tweet

kiss yourself good night, June 2019, tweet

Mutige Soße/brave sauce, May 2019

Blåhaj with glasses, October 2019, tweet

Queere Qualle/queer jellyfish, February 2020, tweet