
Music is my breath, the language to communicate my feelings, a way to love suffering, the reason I am able to exist.
My main instrument is the piano. I play classical music by Beethoven, Bach, Schubert and others, and I compose my own music pieces. I also play the saxophone and different recorders, I learn to play the violin and I know a bit how to play some other instruments from my collection, like the accordion, the flute, the harmonica, and my little music box. Also I like to say, I am playing my band, because I mainly create the songs (some ideas are from the band though) and teach the members to play it and to develop an emotional expression. I really enjoy working on music pieces with my band.
In this category I present some of my and our music, including my two albums Jahrmarkt and Luzeva.

Music Pieces

My master piece on the piano is Traumflucht. The English translation might be escape into a dream.
Traumflucht in an other variation will also be part of my new album which will be published soon. For the album I plan after the next the following music piece might be part of it:
Nachtgarten may translate to night garden.
The title of this piece is chosen, because the most non-music assosiation I have for it is rain and the color cyan.
The last music piece I will publish outside of albums is the Morgenchoral des Peachum (Peachum's Morning Choral) from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Bertholt Brecht, Elisabeth Hauptmann and Kurt Weill, 1931, sung by sirenensang in three different pitches. She also sings one of the two main parts in the new album which will be published soon. September seems to be a good guess for the release.

Audio Recording Setups

On the 35C3 I offered a workshop about the Audio Recording Setups I used. If you are interested what hardware and software I used recording the different music pieces you can find information here:
Audio Recording Setups

Work In Progress

Or something...
