I Want Change

CN: Emocean, Violence

When I say "this discrimination happened to me"

I do not want your pity,
when you try to tell me that this was just how things were.
I want your acceptance and your anger.
I want change.

I do not want explanations, why you were not aware.
Especially if you are not even the protagonist of my statement.
I know most explanations, anyway. You are not the first.
I want change.

I do not want to hurt you.
My aim is not to make you feel bad but to point out a problem.
If I thought change was impossible I would not even bother to tell.
I want that change.

When I say "this discrimination happened to me"

I want you to be aware.
I want to remind you all that such things happen.
I want you to prepare yourself to point it out if you see it (if you have the energy/ressources).
I want that you do not forget.
I want people to see, read and talk about it.
I want you to be aware.

There is violent discrimination most of you agree is bad.
But there is also a lot of silent discrimination that just happens because people are not aware.
Unintentional discrimination, that hurts and excludes.
That is, what I fight against when I say
"this discrimnation happened to me".
I want us to change.

